

カトリック司祭 フランク・パヴォーネ








www.clinicworker.comもしくは電話(940) 380 - 8800に申し込めば、新しく作成されたポスターとか名刺が入手できるので、プロ・ライファーはそれらを活用して、中絶クリニック従業員に手渡して欲しい。ポスターは中絶クリニック前でのデモで、使用して欲しい。特に、効果的な使用法は、中絶手術が実施されない日を選ぶこと。その理由は従業員たちがこのボスターのことを話題にする可能性がもっと大きいからである。


Attention, Clinic Workers!

-- Fr. Frank Pavone

A new chapter in the abortion war is opening up, and it focuses on the people who
staff abortion facilities, and how they can be in legal trouble for participating in, or
not exposing, illegal activities. Being aware of how much illegal activity occurs in
abortion clinics, and what the red flags are which indicate it may be happening,
can enable employees to protect themselves, and can enable pro-life people to help
those employees leave the clinics, eventually shutting them down.

What kind of illegal activities are we speaking about?

The list includes income tax evasion, Medicaid fraud, insurance fraud, money
laundering, sexual harassment of employees, sexual assault of patients, physical
assault of patients, statutory rape, health and safety issues within the clinic, and
consumer fraud, among others.

These activities are rampant in abortion clinics, because these clinics are the most
unregulated surgical facilities in the nation. After all, you can't practice vice
virtuously, and when your conscience is so diluted that you can kill innocent
babies, these other violations are small potatoes in comparison.

Now many people may think that the staff workers in these facilities -- such as the
receptionists, the assistants, the "counselors," -- are hard-core, fully-committed
pro-abortion persons. But that is not the case. Many of them are against abortion,
or don't even think about the moral aspects of it. And it does not take much to
convince many of them to leave, especially if they realize they might be unwitting
accomplices in illegal activity.

By letting these clinic workers know the kinds of illegal activities in which they
may be implicated, we in the pro-life community can bring many of them out of
the industry, and bring legal action against the clinics.

My friend Mark Crutcher and his team at Life Dynamics, Inc. have established a
website, www.clinicworker.com, which gives more details about how to detect
this illegal activity. Regarding signs of possible income tax evasion, for example,
one should ask questions like, Does your employer or director use multiple
accounting ledgers?; Are financial records ever written in pencil?; and  Does the
clinic ever fail to give receipts for cash payments?

In many of the areas mentioned above, one has a moral and even legal obligation
to report actual or possible abuses. Moreover, if an employee knows of such
situations, others do as well. The first person to bring forward such information is
often protected if authorities can be led to apprehend those responsible, and
rewards sometimes accompany the revelation of these crimes.

Pro-life people have an opportunity to alert clinic workers to this situation by
means of a new poster and business cards available through the website,
www.clinicworker.com, or by calling (940) 380 - 8800. The poster should be used
at demonstrations at abortion sites, and it is particularly important to go there on
days when abortions are not being performed, because staff persons present on
those days are more likely to both notice and talk about these matters.

Let's use this new and powerful approach today!