
This collection of the works of theologian Fr. Anthony Zimmerman (in English) is part of a larger Japanese web site. The library features Fr. Zimmerman's books, articles, lectures and letters on doctrine, priesthood, marriage, life issues and other topics.

Father Anthony Zimmerman, STD is a retired professor of Moral Theology at the Divine Word Seminary affiliated with Nanzan University, Nagoya, Japan. He was born in Westphalia, Iowa, USA in 1917, the fourth of 10 children, and relishes the memory of growing up in this spirited family in a 100% Catholic rural community.

Ordained in 1946, he has spent most of his life thereafter as a missionary in Japan. His doctoral thesis is on Papal Teachings and so-called overpopulation. He attended three World Population Congresses, Belgrade, Bucharest, and Mexico City.

He brought Mother Teresa to Japan in 1981 and 1982 to oppose abortion and help the nation to become friendly toward natural family planning. About a million couples, mostly non-Christians, now practice NFP in Japan.

Although his writings on moral theology and family life abound, his favorite subject is theological and anthropological speculation about Original Sin and our Adam and Eve. He is a member of the Fellowship of Catholic Scholars, of the Society of Catholic Social Scientists, and of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population.

Fidelity: A
Resources: A
Implementation: A (Purpose: A; Maintenance: A; Organization: A; Appearance: C)
Sponsor:   Humanae Vitae Research Institute
26 Chuocho, Tarumizushi, 891-2106 Japan
Webmaster: Fr. John A. Nariai