

鹿児島司教 糸永真一
鹿児島カトリック教区報 2月号



カテドラル建設委員会執行部は具体的な設計の段階から、『司教儀式書』の中の「第三章 司教座教会について」の指示に留意すると同時に、限られた予算や敷地の広さ等を考慮して、主聖堂を二階に、小聖堂を一階に置き、聖体は司教儀式書の方針通り小聖堂に保存する方向で検討が進められました。しかし、主聖堂にも聖櫃を設ける案が最後まであり、検討を続けた結果、ついに一昨年六月、現在の方式に決定し、同年九月のカテドラル建設委員会総会で基本設計と共に承認されました。その後一部の司祭たちから再検討するようにとの要望があり、同年十二月の執行部会で検討されましたが、結論が変わることはありませんでした。



聖櫃を小聖堂に設置するという建設委員会の決定の直接の根拠は、先に紹介した『司教儀式書』の方針でした。しかし、その背景には第二バチカン公会議による典礼刷新に従って改定された『ミサ典礼書の総則』の『第五章 10・聖体の保存』に関する一般方針があり、さらにその背景には第二バチカン公会議の『典礼憲章』があったことは言うまでもありません。そこでは、聖櫃の聖体に対する私的信心を大切にしながらも、共同体が集まって行う「聖体祭儀」(ミサ)に重点が置かれています。


① 『ミサ典礼書の総則』

第五章 感謝の祭儀をささげるための教会堂の配置と装飾 10・聖体の保存 

二七六 聖体を保存する場所は、信者の個人的な礼拝と祈りにふさわしい小聖堂の中に設置されることが切に勧められる 87 。これができない場合には、それぞれの教会堂の構造に応じて、また土地の合法的な習慣に従って、聖体は、ある祭壇、もしくは教会堂内の、品位があり正しく装飾された祭壇以外の場所に保存するものとする 88 。

二七七 聖体は固定された堅固でただ一つの聖櫃に保存される。聖櫃は不透明で、汚聖の危険が最大限遠ざけられるよう閉じられていなければならない。それゆえ、通常、各教会堂には一つの聖櫃が置かれる 89 。

② 次に、『司教儀式書』の該当箇所を引用します。その中で、司教がミサを司式する祭壇の上に聖櫃がある場合、聖体は他の場所に移さなければならないというところに注目しておきましょう。公会議以前にも、例えば、当時のカテドラルであった長崎の大浦天主堂での司教荘厳ミサでは、中央祭壇の上に聖櫃がありましたから、そのつど聖体は香部屋の仮聖櫃に移されていました。対面祭壇になる前のザビエル教会ではどうだったのでしょうか。そこには、聖櫃の聖体とミサでいま聖別される聖体とを併置しないという原則があるのです。

『司教儀式書』 第三章 司教座教会について 49

「司教座聖堂の聖櫃は、古くからの伝統に従い、主聖堂から分離された小聖堂に設置するよう勧められる 48 。もし特別な場合として聖櫃が司教が司式する祭壇の上にあるときには、聖体は他のふさわしい場所に移さなければならない」






鹿児島カトリック教区報 3月号

一、総 則

二、細 則
Ⅰ カトリック関係
Ⅱ エキュメニズム関係
Ⅲ 非カトリック教会および他宗教単独の催し
Ⅳ 一般
① カトリックでないカップルの結婚式
② 講演会
③ 音楽会
④ チャリティー関係
Ⅴ 参観者への開放

Tabernacle Of the Cathedral

An Answer to Questions

Bishop of Kagoshima Paul S. Itonaga


I am aware of some questions concerning the tabernacle in our new cathedral. In my opinion, the matter has already been explained fully in the article " Shiten" (Viewpoint). However there are some persons who keep on criticizing loud, thus causing confusion. So, let me explain the matter again.

I. Cathedral Construction Committee Procedures

The Cathedral Construction Committee's executive branch had followed the instructions found in the third chapter of the " Caeremoniale Episcoporum" , concerning the Cathedral of the Bishop. At the same time the committee had to take into account the limited budget, the limited space, etc. and to plan the nave of the cathedral on the second floor and the small chapel on the ground floor, with the intention of placing the Blessed Sacrament in that small chapel. However, the committee also discussed the plan of placing the tabernacle in the nave. This idea had been discussed until before the final decision was reached. The conclusion that they reached in June of the year before last was that the tabernacle should be placed in the small chapel as it is implemented now. The present layout was voted on by the Cathedral Construction Committee's General Session along with the overall basic planning of the cathedral. Later some priests objected to it and demanded reconsideration. This move was discussed in December of the same year by the executive committee. The conclusion stayed.

I value and ratify the decision of the Construction Committee. I am not unaware of the demands and critiques, but have not found good enough reasons to overturn the decision above.

II. The Ground of the Decision by the Cathedral Construction Committee

The direct reason for the decision of the Cathedral Construction Committee was the instruction of afore mentioned " Caeremoniale Episcoporum" . But, in its background we have " the General Instruction of the Novus Ordo Missae, Chapter 5, No. 10, On the Conservation of the Blessed Sacrament" which had been renovated according to the new liturgy in the spirit of the Vat II. We must not forget that these directives are based on the " Constitution on the Liturgy" of Vat. II. In it, we find that the " Eucharistic Celebration" i.e. mass, is underlined, although importance is given to private devotions to the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, too. These directives found in the liturgical reform give some allowance in time for already existing cathedral-naves, but for naves to be built anew certainly it is necessary to take these directives into consideration. Let us think of the cathedral-naves built after Vat. II. For example, in the cathedral of Fukuoka, the tabernacle is placed in the small chapel separated from the nave by a wall; in the cathedral of Sendai the tabernacle is in the small chapel on the second floor, not in the ground floor nave. Incidentally, you should be aware of St. Peter's Basilica of the Holy Father, where the tabernacle is placed in the chapel separated by a wall, which you will find on the right side of the Basilica as you enter.

Now, let me quote the " Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani" concerning the preservation of the Blessed Sacrament. That part of the Instruction deals not only with cathedrals but also with churches in general. According to the same Instruction, it recommends strongly to preserve the Blessed Sacrament in small chapels, although it admits the existence of churches where this cannot be implemented.

(1) Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani Chapter V " De Ecclesiarum dispositione et ornatu ad Eucharistiam celebrandam" , No.X " De sanctissima Eucharistia asservanda"

276  英語ミサレから

277  英語ミサレから

(2) Next, let me quote (sic) concerned places from " Caeremoniale Episcoporum." Pay attention to the instruction that the Blessed Sacrament be removed to another place from the altar where a bishop celebrates mass. Even before the Vat. II, in the then cathedral of Oura, Nagasaki, the Blessed Sacrament used to be removed to a temporary tabernacle in the sacristy during the bishop's solemn mass. I wonder if the same had been done before the altar facing people was introduced in St. Xavier Church. We must note that there is a general rule not to juxtapose the Blessed Sacrament of the tabernacle and the Blessed Sacrament consecrated in the on-going mass.

『司教儀式書』 第三章 司教座教会について 49

49 司教儀式書 3章49

III. Concerning the Safety of the Tabernacle in the Small Chapel

Some persons are concerned about the safety of the tabernacle in the Cathedral's small chapel, but up to now there has been no disrespectful or blaphemous deeds. None should doubt the safety of the tabernacle which is solidly built, fixed and locked. Therefore, apart from the desecration by a person of bad will or a thief, you should not worry. May I take this opportunity to remind concerned persons that the safety of the tabernacle in all the churches is of utmost importance. Last year, a deranged person desecrated the Blessed Sacrament in Amami-Oshima. The cause was that the tabernacle key had been carelessly managed.

Therefore, as instructed by No. 277 of the " Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani," the tabernacle must be fixed so that no one could carry it away, and the key must be kept with utmost attention.

(87) Congregation for the Divine Worship, " De cultu mysterii eucharistici" 53.

Locus ecclesiae vel oratorii quo Eucharistia in tabernaculo asservatur sit vere praecellens. Convenit ut sit simul idoneus precatione privati, ita ut fideles facile et fructuose etiam privato cultu Dominum in Sacramento honorare non desinant. Quare commendatur ut tabernaculum, quantum fieri potest, ponatur in sacello a media centrali aula ecclesiae sejuncto, praesertim in illis ecclessiis ubi matrimonia aut funera frequentius occurrunt, et in locis quae a multis ob thesauros artis et historiae invisuntur.

Rituale Romanum " Reception of the Holy Communion outside the Mass"

(88) Congregation for the Divine Worship " Instructio " " De cultu mysterii eucharistici" 54

Sanctissima Eucharistia asservetur in tabernaculo solido atque inviolabili in medio altaris maioris vel minoris , sed vere praecellentis, posito, aut, iuxta legitimas consuetudines et in casibus particularibus ab Ordinario loci probandis, etiam in alia ecclesiae parte vere pernobili et rite ornata.


Licet Missam versus populum celebrare etiam si in altari exstat tabernaculum, parvum quidem, sed aptum . 典礼憲章実施のための一般指針95参照

(89) Congregation for the Divine Worship " Instructio " " De cultu mysterii eucharistici" 53.

(48) Congregation for the Divine Worship " Instructio " " De cultu mysterii eucharistici" 53.