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脊椎披裂(spina bifida)治療のために外科医は子宮を体外に出して羊水を取り除き、二十一週の胎児に手術を施してから、子宮を元に戻しました。そのときに起こった出来事です。赤ちゃんはまるで治療してくれた外科医と握手しているみたいだということで世界的に感動を呼んだ写真です。これを見た後でも中絶する権利を要求するなど、もう人間ではないと主張しています。以上が大略です。 ある匿名の方が全文を訳してくださいました。 『フマネ・ヴィテ』研究会 成相明人



女性に中絶の権利があると主張する人々は、これでもサミュエルが何の感覚もない組織の小さなかたまりに過ぎないと人々に信じ込ませることができるでしょうか? とんでもない! 中絶クリニックは、生まれてこようとする赤ん坊を今まさに殺そうとしている女性たちに、二度とそんな嘘をつくことはできないはずです。サミュエルは、自分の命を助けてくれた手の指と握手しているようです。それはまるで、外科医が自分に示した憐れみと努力に感謝するかのようではありませんか?


信じがたいことですが、クリントン大統領は部分分娩中絶手術(成相註 — 産まれてしまうと法律の保護を受ける米国市民になるので、子宮内の赤ちゃんを人工的に逆子にして、足から分娩させ、頭が産道に残っている段階で首の後部をはさみで切り開き、そこから真空吸引機を挿入して赤ちゃんの脳を除去するという残酷な中絶のこと)の禁止令を、過去二度も拒否し、さらにもう一度その提案を拒否しようとしています。この禁止令があれば、サミュエルと同じような胎児とか、もっと成長した胎児が中絶医に殺されるのを防ぐことができたはずなのです。クリントン大統領に同意した上院議員たちがいたことも忘れてはなりません。彼らがかりに神を信じなくても、せめて最低の道徳感覚くらい持ち合わせることができないものでしょうか? 部分分娩中絶手術についてはわたしの記事をお読みください。


わたしは、共和党の上院議員三人も三十一人の民主党議員とともに、このぞっとする処置の継続を支持する投票をしたことを知っています。しかし全体を見渡せば、悪魔は自らの汚れた仕事を遂行するために民主党を選択したように思えます。もし、どなたかこれら二政党の違いを生命の尊厳そして神の崇敬という立場から何か他の理由で説明できる方がいらっしゃいましたら、ぜひ御連絡ください。これは昔話と同じです。悪魔が、自由を唱える人々の頭にはいともたやすく侵入できるおかげで、わたしたちはあの、忌まわしい最高裁のロー対ウェイド判決を招きました(成相註 — 毎年一月二十五日は1973年の判決に抗議してワシントンで生命の行進があり、何十万もの人たちが集まる)。それ以前にも彼らは公立学校での祈りを禁止しています。これら二つの決定は悪魔を喜ばせ、わたしたちの国を地獄のがけっぷちまで引きずり込みました。

アメリカ産婦人科大学は「この方法(部分分娩中絶手術)で、女性の健康を維持させたり、生命を救うような事例は考えられない」と言っています。他の方法を用いた方が、早くて効果的なのです。米国医学協会の機関誌(The Journal of the American Medical Association )一九九八年八月二十六日号では、部分分娩中絶手術は妊婦にとって安全な措置ではなく、それは胎児に苦痛を与えるものであり、胎児の生存能力に関する疑問点からも非道徳的である、とする特集記事を組んでいます。


進歩的なマスコミがこの写真を闇に葬ろうとするのは間違いありません。中絶が乳癌の危険性を増すものであるという事実を隠そうとしている連中の姿勢にもそれは窺われます。実はそれはもう始まっています。フォックス・ネットワークの番組に出演したマット・ドラッジ氏は、フォックス・ニュースの社長アルガー・アイレス氏からこの写真の公表を差し止められました。ドラッジ氏は「わたしが、その写真を中絶手術の写真だと誤って説明するといけないから、だなんて、 まったく馬鹿げてる」と言っています。彼は番組から下ろされ、解雇処分を受けました。







彼らのE-メールアドレス、電話番号はわたしのホームページに掲載されています。フォックス・ネットワーク宛てのE-メールアドレスは です。わたしと同様、あなただって彼らに対しても何か言いたいかも知れませんね。

朗報! 無事生まれました。以下は両親と本人からのお礼の手紙




Update on Spina Bifida Child
Source: Pro-Life Infonet (
Nashville -- Dr. Joseph P. Bruner, director of fetal diagnosis and treatment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, performed a miracle surgery in the womb of a 21-week old unborn child to correct spina bifida.
The procedure resulted in a wave of media attention about a picture showing the unborn child's hand reaching out of the womb during the surgery. Internet columnist Matt Drudge attempted to show the picture on his Fox News Channel program, which subsequently cost him his job.
Earlier this month, the baby in question, Samuel, was born. His parents have written the following progress report:

Dear Friends and Family,
Samuel arrived on Thursday, Dec. 2 at 6: 25 pm at Northside Hospital weighing 5 lbs 11 oz and 20 1/2 " long. He was born at 36 weeks but came into the world screaming his head off! He did not have to spend any time in a neonatal unit and came home with us on Monday, Dec. 6. After viewing an ultrasound of his brain, Samuel's neurosurgeon was very optimistic as he does not have any hydrocephalus and the brain malformation has resolved. He is moving his legs very well from the hips and some from the knees. He was frank breech (folded in half) in the womb and the orthopedist feels that he has a good chance for walking. He will begin physical therapy next week in order to work out some of the stiffness in his legs that was a result of his being folded in half in the womb. He is also nursing very well.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. We are happier than we ever dreamed possible!

All our love,
Julie, Alex and Samuel Armas

Forwarded by Pro-Life South Africa for you to contemplate this 21 week pre-born child made in HIS image and likeness. The South African Abortion Law allows virtual abortion-on-demand up to 20 weeks and for handicapped babies, like this one, up to birth.

----- Original Message -----
From: CALL
To: Margrit Sokolic
Sent: 23 November 1999 15: 59
Subject: Baby's Hand Reaches Out Of The Womb.htm
Baby's Hand Reaches Out Of The Womb
The above is one of the most amazing photographs that you'll ever see. It's a picture of Samuel, a 21 week old baby boy, whose tiny hand reaches out of the womb and grabs the finger of the surgeon who was operating on him, as if to say, " thanks doc, you did a wonderful job."
It should be seen by the WHOLE WORLD.
It happened when Dr. Joseph P. Bruner, director of fetal diagnosis and treatment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center was performing a cutting edge procedure on a 21 week old fetus. Bruner and Samuel's parents hope the surgery will alleviate the effects of spina bifida, a disabling birth defect in one or two of every 1,000 babies born. During the procedure, surgeons remove the uterus from the mother, drain the amniotic fluid, perform surgery on the tiny fetus, then put the uterus back inside the mother. The procedure took about an hour.
There are no words to describe this incredible photo. If this doesn't set the abortion industry and the PCKU (pro-choice to kill the unborn) back on its ears, then heaven help us.
The defenders of a woman's right to have an abortion, if she so chooses, would have you believe that Samuel is nothing but a non-sentient blob of tissue. Never, again will the abortion clinics, be able to tell these lies to women who are about to have their unborn babies killed. It was almost as if Samuel was shaking the finger of the hand of the man, who was tring to save his life -- to thank him for his compassion and effort.
With all that open space, instead of grabbing for air, Samuel's hand, actually grabbed the surgeons finger. In my book, this precious 21 week old creation of God is more sentient than those who advocate the proposition, that women should have the right to condemn their babies to death, if it would make their lives easier.
Would you belive that our president, Clinton, twice, vetoed the ban on partial-birth abortions and is about to veto it again. The ban would have prevented doctors from killing babies, Samuel's age and even older, while they're being born. And let's not forget the Senators, who agreed with Clinton. Even if they don't believe in God -- have they no sense of common decency?
For a description of partial-birth abortions, see my article on this subject.
Clinton and the liberal Democratic Senators, who voted Not to ban this barbaric procedure, say they would ban it, if there was an exception that it could be done to preserve the HEALTH of the mother. There WAS an exception, that it could be done to save the LIFE of the mother. To include a health exception is ludicrous and if inserted would be the same as having NO ban at all. Doctors can easily get around it with no problem. Women's health could mean just about anything. She can even say, " doctor if I have this baby, I'll become a nervous wreck," or she can say, " It makes me ill to just think about this pregnancy."
Before you contact me -- I know, there were three Republican Senators, who voted along with thirty one Democratic Senators, to allow this gruesome procedure to continue. But as a whole, it would appear that Satan has chosen The Democratic Party to do his dirty work. If anyone has another explanation for the disparity of the two parties, concerning the sanctity of human live and the reverence to God -- I beg you, please let me know. It's the same old story. Thanks to Satan's easy access to the brains of the liberals, we got the abominable Roe vs Wade decision. Prior to that, they took prayers out of the public schools. These two decisions have given Satan a smile from ear to ear and have brought our country to the brink of hell.

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecelogists said that, " it could identify no circumstance under which this procedure,(PBA) would save the life or preserve the health of the woman." Other methods are better and faster. The Journal of the American Medical Association (8-26-98 issue) featured an article saying that partial-birth abortion is unsafe for pregnant women, painful for unborn children and unethical because of questions about fetal viability.
Clinton and the liberal Democratic Senators, ignored the medical profession because they had to pay back
the people who got them elected. The lives of babies about to be born, means nothing to them. What
matters are votes.
You can bet that the liberal press will try to suppress this picture, the same as they continually try to suppress the fact that abortions increase the risk of breast cancer. Why, its already begun. Matt Drudge who has a show on the Fox network, was prevented from showing the picture, by Fox News President, Alger Ailes. Drudge said, " the thought that I was going to misrepresent the picture as an abortion, is junk." Drudge walked off the show.
The " Brass" at Fox were so worried that the picture would be a setback to abortion on demand, that they prevented one of the most newsworthy pictures and stories in the history of mankind from being shown to the American people. To withhold this picture and the story behind it, from the public is a tragedy and against everything that brave Americans died for - freedom of the press and freedom of speech. But, they WILL show elephant feces and pictures of vaginas and anuses on a picture of the Blessed Virgin Mary and say that it is protected under our constitution.
The fact that this new surgery, could save the lives of babies, was of no consequence to them. The fact that women may see this picture and be enlightened that there is a choice, other than death, if their unborn baby is not perfect, was also ignored by Fox.
One woud think that the media would WANT to publish this picture, simply for the fact that it may save the lives of unborn babies and give mothers HOPE that all is not lost if her baby is not completely normal, That there are new procedures for intra-uterine surgeries. IT'S A BREAKTHROUGH IN MEDICINE.

Tonight, check your newspapers and listen to the news, and see if they give you any news that's more newsworthy than the picture of baby Samuel's hand reaching out of the womb to clutch the finger of his surgeon.

Let's face it and call it for what it was -- An attempt by Fox to propagate the PCKU agenda. To show the picture, would be a big blow to the liberals and the billion dollar abortion industry. It reminds me of a statement by Clinton, who said, he is against abortions, but a woman should have that choice. He also said that he wants fewer abortions done. The very first time he gets his wish, he vetoes the ban on PBA.
The people at Fox did a great disservice to the American people, just to satisfy their liberal agenda at the expense of human lives.

This picture has absolutely nothing to do with abortions, as the " brass" at Fox have stated. Which was the reason for their squelching of the picture. THE PICTURE HAS TO DO WITH PRESERVING LIFE. But in today's society that's a no, no. Just when you think, it can't get worse -- then Fox comes along and assures us that it can and is.
Ernest Hemingway said, " this is a fine world, we live in and it's worth fighting for." I agree with the last part. I urge you all, to contact your Senators, who voted Not to ban this gruesome procedure, especially you, who reside in their state. The mail of constituents will be read and you will get an answer by regular mail -- but you must include your name and street address. When you write to other Senators -- your mail will also be read, but your only response will be an automated pre-formed response, stating that your mail will be read and noted. It is important to contact all the Senators who voted to NOT ban PBA, by mail AND by phone and let them know your feelings.
Visit my home page for their e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
E-mail for Fox Network:
You may also have words for them -- I know I do.