医学博士 フランク・ヨゼフ
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ジョン・オカナー枢機卿は信仰に関して妥協なさいませんでした。たとえ相手が合衆国大統領であっても…枢機卿は、毎週定期的に病院でエイズ患者の世話をなさっていましたが、聖パトリックの行列にゲイとレスビアンの参加を許可なさいませんでした。ニュー・ヨーク・タイムスが分裂をもたらすと言ってそれを批判したとき、枢機卿は" So be it." と答えられました。日本語で言えば「それがどうした?」とか「取り消すつもりはない」とかいうところでしょう。
枢機卿は教会の教えとか、中絶、同性愛者の権利、などについては極めて保守的つまり正統的だったので、政治家たちとは公に何度も激しく衝突したものです。胎児の生命を守るために枢機卿はどれほど熱心に戦われたことでしょう? 聖書が断罪する同性愛を枢機卿はどれほど激しく非難し続けられたことでしょう? おん父の神殿からむちを振るって両替商たちを追い出されたイエズス様を思い起こしながら、以下をお読み下さい。
NewsMax.com May 8, 2000
NewsMax.com May 8, 2000
それとも、なぜクリントンが部分分娩中絶禁止法案に躊躇することなく拒否権を発動したか、枢機卿が理解できなかったときのことを指すのでしょうか? 部分分娩中絶などは医学的に見ても必要な処置ではありません。
現代、大人の同性愛者が男の子相手にするセックス、つまり小児愛には何ら問題がない、などと主張する心理分析学者たちすらいます。どこまで堕落すれば気が済むのでしょうか? もう連中は便糟の中に溺れているようなものではありませんか? 連中は同性愛者は遺伝子がそうなっているのだから責任がないとさえ言います。根拠がどこにあるというのでしょうか? 考えてみてください。人殺しも遺伝子がそうなっているからでしょうか? サディズムも遺伝子のせいなのでしょうか? わたしたちはそう思いません。でも、死をもたらす同性愛に関してだけはそんな馬鹿なことを喜んで信じてしまうのです。
現代社会が乗り込んでしまった「死の文化」は暗黒の王子、悪魔の産物であることに間違いありません。わたしたちの祖国は立ち上がり、これ以上の腐敗はもう御免だ!と声を上げないのでしょうか? このような文明への第一歩はアル・ゴアを大統領にしないことです。彼も間違いなく、部分分娩中絶禁止法案には拒否権を発動します。彼は家族計画連盟、その他諸々の死の文化団体の盟友です。彼は同性愛者社会のヒーローです。だって彼らはゴアの最大の支持団体、資金供給団体の一つです。
Cardinal's Dying Wish: Keep Clinton Out of St. Patrick's
May 8, 2000
As Cardinal O'Connor battled brain cancer and faced death during the past eight months, he remained steadfast in his distaste of Bill Clinton. A source close to the Cardinal tells NewsMax.com that O'Connor had a long-standing order to keep Bill Clinton out of St. Patrick's Cathedral 窶・no matter how important the occasion.
Last week the White House announced that both Bill and Hillary Clinton would be attending the Cardinal's funeral mass at St. Patrick's, set for Monday afternoon. " O'Connor would have gone berserk if he knew Clinton was coming," the source said.
O'Connor was said to be extremely hostile to Clinton, a man who annoyed him on several levels. O'Connor had been a veteran, a Navy Admiral who had served in the military and in the front lines of Vietnam.
Clinton's draft avoidance record didn't sit well with the Cardinal, nor did Clinton's corruption. O'Connor was also annoyed with Clinton's strong advocacy of partial-birth abortion, a procedure O'Connor likened to infanticide. O'Connor's animus toward the president erupted after the crash of TWA Flight 800 in 1996.
In the days after the tragedy, Mayor Giuliani had organized a memorial service for the victims' families at JFK Airport. Cardinal O'Connor was set to officiate, until he found out Clinton planned on attending. " If Clinton is coming, you can count me out," O'Connor's office bluntly told the mayor's office. Clinton was quickly disinvited.
A month or so after the crash, O'Connor hosted his own memorial mass at St. Patrick's for the victims. Clinton was in New York that weekend for a birthday party and the White House called the Archdiocese and asked if he could attend. The answer from the Cardinal's Office was blunt: Bill Clinton is not welcome at St. Patrick's.
May 8, 2000
Clintons, Gores Humiliated at St. Patrick's
President Clinton and his wife, and Vice President Al Gore and his wife held St. Patrick's most coveted front-row seats at today's funeral Mass for John Cardinal O'Connor. But they were far from welcome and were caught in a very awkward situation during the service.
The Mass was celebrated by Cardinal Law of Boston, a close friend of O'Connor's. Law and another cardinal both told the overflow crowd that they had been given very specific instructions by Cardinal O'Connor as to what to say at his funeral Mass.
O'Connor's wishes were reflected in a statement made by Law, who stated that the legacy of John O'Connor was an " unambiguous" pro-life message to the world. Law's statement brought thunderous applause, followed by a standing ovation that lasted almost four minutes. (The major media are reporting it lasted a minute - not true.)
A Catholic priest seated next to the Clintons told NewsMax.com that the Clintons and the Gores did not clap after Law's comments. Their silence drew notice from some watchers in the crowd, and as the standing ovation continued minute after painful minute the Clintons and Gores remained seated. " It was clear they felt very uncomfortable," the priest said. After several minutes, the Clintons and Gores finally rose but refused to clap. The ovation soon ended.
Clinton told reporters before the Mass that O'Connor " set a very large role in the life of the church, and even when he was controversial and when he disagreed with me I liked the fact that he was outspoken and he stood up for what he believed in."
Yeah, Clinton liked the fact allright and if you believe that -- I've got a bridge in Brooklyn, that you'll be interested in. So, Clinton says Cardinal O'Connor was controversial and disagreed with him.
Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that Cardinal O'Connor believes God when He says " thou shalt not kill," or when God says, " before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart."
Could it be that Cardinal O'Connor could not understand why someone with one stroke of the pen would be responsible for the brutal murder of thousands of viable babies every year -- Clinton's vetoing of the ban of the barbaric and never needed partial-birth abortion.
Could it be that Cardinal O'Connor does not pick and choose what parts of the Bible he will honor, so he speaks out against a deadly lifestyle, which society has taken to its bosom for fear of being labeled homophobic.
Then label me homophobic, because I fear for the lives of young men, who die as a direct result of an abnormal sexual act, which rips open mucosal tissue, enabling the AIDs virus to go directly into the blood stream. Nope, I cannot embrace anyone who thinks more of their sexual gratification than society in general.
Maybe it's our fault -- when the AIDs epidemic broke about twenty years ago, society should have condemned this lifestyle, instead of accepting it. Look at all the lives that would have been saved. A lifestyle that used to be listed in psychiatric books as an abnormal behavior. So, we liberalized our better judgment and accepted death -- after all, we don't want to be labeled homophobic.
Now there are psychiatrists who are saying that there's nothing wrong with men/boy relationships. Where will this all end -- it's already in the cesspool? They would have you believe that it's in the genes. This is pure garbage. Is it also in the genes, when people commit murder? Do we accept that? Is it also in the genes when people can only get sexual gratification when they have to beat up their partner first? We don't accept that, but we do accept a lifestyle that's killing people.
About this same time, we also accepted the proposition that if a woman wants to kill her unborn baby if she so chooses, then so be it. This " culture of death" that we have embarked on, is the handiwork of the prince of darkness -- satan. Let there be no mistake about that.
Will our country ever wake up and say enough depravity is enough? That first step to civility can only take place if Al Gore is NOT our president, as he will also veto the ban on partial-birth abortions and be a delight to one of his biggest contributors -- unPlanned Parenthood and all the other death mills. He also embraces the homosexual community -- why not -- they're also one of his biggest contributors.
Frank Joseph MD
http: //hometown.aol.com/dfjoseph/index.html