
(英文 — English)













ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟の主目的である「世界中の典礼祭儀においてローマ典礼のミサが保持、尊重されることの保証」は、1988年7月2日、教皇ヨハネ・パウロ二世により公布された自発教令『エクレジア・デイ』により決定的に前進しました。 それ以来、世界中のウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟には、発足当時、まだ生まれてもいなかった若くて熱心な多数のメンバーが参加しています。




『エクレジア・デイ』発行前、実は、1984年10月3日の特典『クァトゥオール・アドヒンク・アンノス』によって、どの司教にもトレント公会議のミサ挙行を許可する権限がありました。しかしこの文書には極端に厳しい条件が含まれていました。 ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟はそれを前進と受け止めながらも、それにはあまりにも厳しく、また規制が多くて、許可の特典が本来意図するところと両立せず、受け入れることが困難であると聖座に申し立てました。、その結果、典礼省長官マイヤー枢機卿は、第二代会長エリック・デ・サレンテム博士にこの特典を実際に実施する準備として世界各地での調査を依頼しました。調査には数ヶ月かかりましたが、その結果の報告はマイヤー枢機卿を動かし、彼は教皇の許可を得て、特典を再評価、修正を勧告するために枢機卿等特別委員会を招集し、規制は大きく緩和されることになりました。その後、エリック・デ・サレンテム博士は同枢機卿から1962年版ミサ典書使用に関する新しい規則についての提案を促され、 ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟に計った上でそれに応じました。ウナ・ヴォチェが提出した諸提案は、1986年の枢機卿委員会により少なからず取り入れられ、マイヤー枢機卿が、1991年3月20日、米国の司教たちに宛てた書簡 (Protocol No, 500/90) で指摘しているように、同委員会は全員一致して「 特典『クァトゥオール・アドヒンク・アンノス』の条件があまりにも厳しすぎる」という結論に至ったのでした。

1988年7月2日 — 自発教令『エクレジア・デイ』公布


1962年版によるローマ典礼のミサを求めているものに対し、1986年12月に提起された規範に従い保証する権限が、この目的のために作られた司教委員会により通告されています。 この権限は、1962年ミサを求めるすべての者に関しているということに注意すべきです。 『エクレジア・デイ』委員会の会長としてマイヤー枢機卿は自発教令について権威ある説明を1991年3月20日のアメリカの司教に宛てた手紙の中に書いています。その書簡では次のように説明しています。



ローマ典礼の規範版ミサ典書使用について — すでに教皇から発せられている指令を広く寛大に適用して、ラテン語典礼の伝統に愛着を感じる人たちには、常に敬意が示されなければなりません。

その結果、何処においても1962年のローマ典礼のミサが信者の望みに応じて捧げられるようになりましました。規制は何ら必要ないと枢機卿は『エクレジア・デイ』で述べています。 多くの司教たちが訓戒に積極的に応じ、殆どの管区で何ら制裁無くトレント公会議のミサがあげられています。 今や、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリア、カナダ、ニュージーランド、アメリカ全土の数多くの教区で、このようなミサが捧げられ、信者は老若を問わず与ることができるようになりました。

彼らは主日の一般ミサにおいても計画しています。何人かの司教たちはすでに主日の一般ミサでも許可を与えているし、ヨーロッパやアメリカにおいては、伝統的ミサのみをあげる活発な教区をつくり、その教区では1962年の典礼書によって全ての典礼が行われています。 これは特に聖ペトロ会、王たるキリスト会、聖ヨハネ会、オプス・マリア・コレデンプトリックスが活発な教区です。


1988年10月『エクレジア・デイ』十周年記念の盛大な巡礼がローマにおいて行われました 。 ラッツインガー枢機卿は1988年10月24日ほぼ3000人の伝統派カトリック聴衆に対し伝統的ミサに霊感をうけた聖職への召しだしについて述べられました。









1988年10月23〜26日は、伝統を重んじるカトリック信徒にとって、特典によって以前イングランドとウェールズにしか許されていなかった1962年版ミサ典書がバチカンによって世界的に許可されて以来、大きな喜びの日々でした。この4日間は自発教令『エクレジア・デイ』と聖ペトロ兄弟会設立十周年を祝う、ローマへの巡礼が行われました。 あの自発教令による破門が確認されたことも疑問の余地がありません。しかし、これは伝統的カトリック信徒にとって常に深い悲しみです。わたしたちは心から、自発教令の二十周年が祝われる2008年にはピオ十世会と教皇庁の間に完全な和解がなされていることを希望します。


英語圏の巡礼者に対し、アメリカン・カレッジでモンシニョール・ティムリンが週末に捧げるミサで始まった。一、二年前には誰がこのようなことが起こると想像できたでしょうか。 最近、ニューヨーク・タイムスはアメリカン・カレッジの学生の保守主義について次のような記事を記しています。「ミサに出席した少なからぬ数の学生はフォルテスキュー神父のあの有名な Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described. (ローマ典礼儀式の説明)で、伝統的ミサを自ら学んでいました。これは英国カレッジにおいてもスコットランド・カレッジにおいても同様です。ミサ後、モンシニョール・ティムリンは一人々々の会衆に挨拶しました。彼のすべての巡礼者に対する慇懃さ、交友的態度はすべての出席者の勇気と霊感のもとになりました。






国内において新しく ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟の組織結成を望むカトリック信徒は、まず下記に連絡して下さい。





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連絡があれば,連盟規約のコピーが送られます。受け入れ可能なら、その国独自の規約を作って下さい。サンプルは送ります。それが是認されれば、年2回のローマにおける総会において入会許可について投票が行われます。 すでに国内組織のある国で支部を作りたければ、ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟でなく、当連盟国内組織に連絡して下さい。 ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟は中央の委員会によって動かされるものではなく、地方レベルで目的を達するべく努力する自主的組織です。どの国でも三つの国内組織を作ることが許されています。そのような国内組織の理想は地方レベルで更に働きかけを広げるため、地域的支部のネットワークを作り上げることです。

連盟のメンバーとして国内組織のメンバーは連盟の情報誌を通じ、また国内の情報誌の交換を通じ、共に活動することができます。そして、年2回ローマにおいて開かれる連盟の総会に出席する代表を選び連盟会長および委員会の選出に参画できます。 数日間続く総会で、各組織はその進歩の様子と指導について報告し、それぞれの伝統保持を効果的にする方法を学習できます。 もし、国内組織が自分たちのために国内レベルで直面している問題に関してバチカンに連絡したいのであれば、本連盟は助言したり、権威ある地位にある方たちを紹介できます。






教皇は司教たちに対し、以前のミサ典書による聖祭に与ろうと望んでいるキリスト信者にたいし 極力寛容であるように、また常に眼前にたいし繊細な感覚を保つように促しています。


2000年9月4日 ウナ・ヴォチェ国際連盟の代表とカスティリオン・ホヨス枢機卿との会見において枢機卿は、ピオ五世のミサは教会の偉大な宝であると述べ、これは、そのラテン語使用の故というよりもそれの伝える神秘性によって若い人々を惹きつけている、と述べました。枢機卿は1962年のミサ典書によるミサの許可に反対している司教たちと話し合ってみると保証し、どうして1962年に用いられていたミサ典書を用いることが承諾されないのか、何の理由も見つけることができないと語った。 自発教令『エクレジア・デイ』は司教たちの上にこれを履行する重大な責任を負わせた。そして、反対者側に重大な理由がある時にのみ要求は拒否されるべきです。


UNA VOCE. The official date of its foundation is 19th December 1964. Dr Krane, our foundress, died upon 14 October 1997.

Realising the need for coordinating their efforts, delegates from six European associations met in Rome in early 1965 and agreed to create an appropriate supra-national structure. This was the beginning of the FIUV (International Federation Una Voce).It was formally erected in Zurich on January 8th, 1967, when delegates from by then twenty associations approved the draft statutes and elected the first Council. At that meeting Dr Eric de Saventhem was unanimously elected as President. He was re-elected, again unanimously, at every subsequent General Assembly and would still be President today but for his decision to step down prematurely for personal reasons in January 1995. Michael Davies from Great Britain was elected to succeed him.

The principal objective of the International Federation Una Voce, i.e. to ensure that the traditional Roman Mass is retained and honoured in universal liturgical life, was moved a decisive step forward with the promulgation of the Motu Proprio " Ecclesia Dei" by His Holiness Pope John Paul II on 2nd July 1988. Since them, member-associations of the International Federation Una Voce worldwide are experiencing an influx of enthusiastic new members many of whom were not born when the Federation was founded. Thanks to their presence in its ranks the International Federation Una Voce will remain an effective force within the Church in the coming Millennium.

The Federation is recognized by the Holy See. Its views are received with courtesy and respect by the relevant Roman Congregations, and its representatives are received by them in the same manner. Making known our spiritual needs and desires to our spiritual shepherds is a right granted to us in the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church - Lumen Gentium - of the Second Vatican Council (no, 37), and repeated in the Code of Canon Law (Canon 212):

The laity have the right, as do all Christians, to receive in abundance from their sacred pastors the spiritual goods of the Church, especially the assistance of the Word of God and the Sacraments. Every layman should openly reveal to them his needs and desires with that freedom and confidence that befits a son of God and brother in Christ. An individual layman, by reason of the knowledge, competence, or outstanding ability which he may enjoy, is permitted and sometimes even obliged to express his opinion on things which concern the good of the Church.

Quattuor abhinc annos - The 1984 Indult

Even before the publication of Ecclesia Dei, every bishop in the world had been authorized to permit the celebration of the Tridentine Mass by the indult Quattuor abhinc annos of 3 October 1984, but this document contained extremely restrictive conditions. The Federation, while welcoming the document as a positive step forward, made clear to the Holy See that it considered these conditions to be incompatible with the indult's intent and far too restrictive. As a result of these representations, Cardinal Meyer, then Prefect of the Worship Congregation, asked Dr. de Saventhem to conduct a world-wide investigation into the practical implementation of the indult. This took several months and the resulting report was so convincing that Cardinal Meyer obtained the Pope's permission to convoke a special Commission of Cardinals to evaluate the Indult and suggest amendments. Dr. de Saventhem was then asked to submit proposals for new rules to govern the use of the 1962 Missal, which he did after consulting the Council of the International Federation Una Voce. These suggestions were reflected to no small extent in the norms elaborated in 1986 by the Commission of Cardinals, which concluded unanimously, as Cardinal Meyer pointed out in a letter to the American bishops dated 20 March 1991 (Protocol No, 500/90), that " the conditions laid down in Quattuor abhinc annos were too restrictive and should be relaxed" .

The Motu Proprio " Ecclesia Dei" 2 July 1988

On 2nd July 1988 His Holiness Pope John Paul II promulgated his Motu Proprio " Ecclesia Dei" in which he expressed his will to guarantee respect for the rightful aspirations of those attached to the Latin liturgical tradition, and in order to achieve this aim he established the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei. On 18th October 1988, Pope John Paul II granted to Cardinal Meyer special faculties to facilitate the working of the Commission, the first of which reads:


The faculty of granting to all who seek it (omnibus id petentibus) the use of the Roman Missal according to the 1962 edition, and according to the norms proposed in December 1986, by the Commission of Cardinals constituted for this very purpose, the diocesan bishop having been informed.

It is important to note that this faculty refers to all who seek the 1962 Missal. As President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, Cardinal Meyer provided an authoritative interpretation of the Motu proprio. In a letter to the Bishops of the USA dated 20 March 1991. In this letter he explained that the Holy Father:

addressing himself " to all those Catholic faithful who feel attached to some previous liturgical and disciplinary forms of the Latin tradition" , and not just to former adherents of Archbishop Lefebvre, he expressed his will to " guarantee respect for their rightful aspirations" (no. 5. c). In order to provide for these legitimate desires of the faithful he established this Pontifical Commission and indicated his mind with regard to its primary task by stating: respect must everywhere be shown for the feelings of all those who are attached to the Latin liturgical tradition, by a wide and generous application of the directives already issued some time ago by the Apostolic See for the use of the Roman Missal according to the typical edition (no. 6, c).


Consequently, Your Excellency, we wish to encourage you to facilitate the proper and reverent celebration of the liturgical rites according to the Roman Missal of 1962 wherever there is a genuine desire for this on the part of the faithful.

It will be noted that Cardinal Meyer, quoting directly from Ecclesia Dei, refers to " rightful aspirations" and " legitimate desires" , and adds that " it would seem unnecessary, even unduly painful, to impose further restrictions upon those who wish to attend such celebrations" . Many bishops have responded to this admonition in a very positive manner, and in most dioceses where this has been the case there are no longer any restrictions attached to the celebration of the Tridentine Mass. Hundreds of such Masses are now celebrated in parish churches, in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and throughout the USA They are scheduled public Masses fulfilling the Sunday obligation which any member of the faithful is welcome to attend. There is no Age Limit

Suggestions have been made that the 1962 Missal should be made available only to those who had become used to it before the promulgation of the New Missal in 1970. In a letter to Michael Davies, President of the International Una Voce Federation, dated 31 January 1997, His Eminence Augustin Cardinal Meyer, O.S.B. authorized him to communicate the following statement to members of the Federation:

In recent times it has been affirmed that the allowances given for the celebration of the " Tridentine Mass" have been granted with the provision that only those who were familiar with the preceding forms of the Roman liturgy would be allowed to benefit from those concessions.


During my time as President of the Pontifical Commission " Ecclesia Dei" such limitation was never mentioned by the authorities involved. In this regard it should be mentioned that the Commission has used the faculty of erecting religious institutes which would benefit from the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 and the other liturgical books in force at that time. Evidently it was understood that young recruits would be admitted to such communities and would benefit limit.

A Right to the Traditional Mass

In a letter to the Ecclesia Dei Society of Australia dated 11  May 1990, Cardinal Meyer stated that the faithful now have a right to the Traditional Mass:  

Certainly, no one has the right to the acquisition of a privilege, but once a privilege is duly granted the subject indeed has the right to benefit CIC #77). In Quattuor abhinc annos (3 October 1984) The celebration of the 1962 Order of Mass was presented as a privilege which might be requested from the competent authority (b). In Ecclesia Dei, however, the Roman Pontiff spoke of the 1962 Order of Mass in terms of its " lawfulness" (auctoritas) and " richness" (thesaurus cf. 5, a) and qualified the desire both to celebrate and assist at this Mass as a " legitimate aspiration"  (appetitio cf. 5, c). Hence a privilege in the canonical sense of the term was granted to the faithful by the Supreme Legislator of the Church (cf. CIC #76.1).

Traditional Parishes

On a practical level, some bishops are now moving beyond simply granting permission for a regular Sunday Mass, and in Europe and the United States they have established flourishing parishes where only the Traditional Mass is celebrated, and where all the sacraments are administered according to the Liturgical Books in use in 1962. This is particularly the case in parishes under the auspices of the Fraternity of St. Peter or the Institute of Christ the King, and will also be the case with the Society of St. John and the Opus Maria Mediatrix both of which received recognition in 1988. There are now at least ten priestly societies approved by the Holy See, and attracting many vocations, in which the young, enthusiastic seminarians will celebrate only the Traditional Mass after their ordination, thus guaranteeing its ever-increasing use well into the next millennium. Many students in diocesan seminaries are being taught, or are teaching themselves, to celebrate the Traditional Mass and intend to do so as often as possible after their ordination. In October 1988 a highly successful pilgrimage to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the Motu Proprio Ecclesia Dei took place in Rome. In an address to an audience of almost 3000 traditional Catholics on Saturday 24th October 1988 Cardinal Ratzinger made special mention of all the priestly vocations inspired by the Traditional Mass:

Ten years after the publication of the Motu proprioEcclesia Dei”, what sort of evaluation can one make? I think this is above all an occasion to show our gratitude and to give thanks. The various communities that were born thanks to this pontifical text have given the Church a great number of priestly and religious vocations who, zealously, joyfully and deeply united with the Pope, give their service to the Gospel in our present era of history. Through them, many of the faithful have been confirmed in the joy of being able to live the liturgy, and confirmed in their love for the Church, or perhaps they have rediscovered both. In many dioceses - and their number is not so small! - they serve the Church in collaboration with the Bishops and in fraternal union with those faithful who do feel at home with the renewed form of the new liturgy. All this cannot but move us to gratitude today!

The Holy Father has also authorized the two most flourishing Benedictine monasteries in France, at Fontgombault and Le Barroux, to use the 1962 Liturgical Books exclusively. These monasteries are also attracting many vocations. There are also monastic communities of women in which only the 1962 liturgical books are used. In September 1990 the Holy Father received in audience the Abbot of Le Barroux, together with a number of his monks, and praised the work that they are doing. In September 1995 Cardinal Ratzinger, accompanied by Monsignor Camille Perl, Secretary of the Pope's Ecclesia Dei Commission, visited the monastery and celebrated a Pontifical Mass in the traditional rite for the monks. This can only be interpreted as an endorsement of their apostolate from the very highest level in the Church. Information on most of the traditional priestly societies and religious orders can be found on the excellent web site of Una Voce America: www.unavoce.org

On Pentecost each year Chartres Cathedral has an overflow congregation of about 15,000 fervent Catholics with an average age of twenty, who sing the Traditional Mass in Gregorian Chant, mandated by the Second Vatican Council to be the norm for sung Masses, and manifesting to the highest possible degree that active participation called for by the Council. These young pilgrims march for three days, sleeping out at night. Each year they receive a message conveying the blessing and encouragement of His Holiness Pope John Paul II. The youthfulness of the congregations is a striking characteristic of many Tridentine Masses.

A final but important point is that some bishops who were at first apprehensive about permitting the Traditional Mass in their dioceses, fearing that it might cause division, have been much encouraged by the fact that the opposite has occurred, and that permission for this Mass, particularly within the context of a parish in which all the sacraments are celebrated in the pre-Vatican II rites, heals divisions and builds up a community of devout Catholics loyal to their bishop and to Rome. In the letter specifically that the very fact that Catholics wish " to come to celebrations authorized by the Bishop of the diocese may be considered a sign of good will and desire of full ecclesial communion."

The Ecclesia Dei Anniversary - October 1988

The four days from Friday 23 October to Monday 26 October must certainly be the most encouraging for traditional Catholics since the indult of 1984 giving Vatican approval for the use of the 1962 Missal throughout the world, a permission which had previously been confined to England and Wales. The four days were those of a pilgrimage to Rome to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Motu Proprio " Ecclesia Dei" and the establishment of the Fraternity of St. Peter. There was no question of celebrating the excommunications announced in the Motu Proprio which must remain a cause of profound sorrow for every traditional Catholic. Our most urgent and profound prayer must be that when the twentieth anniversary of the Motu Proprio is celebrated in 2008 there will have been a complete reconciliation between the Society of St. Pius X and the Holy See.

Mass in the American College

For English-speaking pilgrims the weekend began with Mass in the American College celebrated by Mgr. Timlin. Who could have imagined even a year or two ago that this could happen? The New York Times recently ran an article on the conservatism of the students at the American College, many of whom were present at the Mass, and a not insignificant number are teaching themselves to celebrate the Traditional Mass by using Father Fortescue's celebrated Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described. This is equally true of the English College and the Scots' College. After the Mass Mgr Timlin greeted every member of the congregation. His graciousness and friendliness throughout the entire pilgrimage was a source of inspiration and encouragement to everyone present.

Cardinal Ratzinger's Lecture

It would not be possible to exaggerate the importance of the lecture given by Cardinal Ratzinger in the Ergife Palace Hotel on the morning of Saturday 24 October. A hall seating 600 people with simultaneous translation had been booked, but it became obvious that this would be totally inadequate and the new location seating 2000 people was booked, even this was inadequate and hundreds of pilgrims crammed every inch of standing space. Who could have imagined the day would come when a prince of the Church, second only in importance to the pope, would in a public lecture praise the beauty of the Tridentine Mass, give thanks for the number of vocations inspired by traditionalist communities, criticise in severe terms the manner in which the New Mass is so often celebrated, insist that while the Council had ordered a reform of the liturgical books it had not prohibited those already in existence, and urge the faithful not to lose their patience, and to keep their confidence in their efforts to obtain the celebration of the Traditional Mass.

Later that day Monsignor Timlin sang a Pontifical Mass in the beautiful church of Santa Maria della Scala in Trastevere. One can only say that it seemed that heaven had come down to earth. The church was completely packed and some of the congregation had to remain on the steps outside. After the Mass Monsignor Timlin and the priests and seminarians present processed into the square outside the church, and the bishop received in a most gracious manner all who wish to speak to him.

San Ignacio

The principal Mass of the pilgrimage was celebrated by Cardinal Stickler in the church of San Ignacio on Sunday, the Feast of Christ the King. It had been planned that Cardinal Felici, the President of the Ecclesia Dei Commission, should say the Mass, but he had broken his arm several weeks before and despite his wish to offer the Mass, come what may, it was simply impracticable. A homily which the Cardinal had written on the Kingship of Christ was read by Monsignor Perl of the Ecclesia Dei Commission. It began with extremely cordial words of welcome to the pilgrims, making it clear that Rome regards traditional Catholics as full and valued members of the Church:

My dear brothers in Christ, welcome to this venerable church of St Ignatius, welcome to Rome, the eternal city, the city of the popes, welcome to the house of your Father.


You have come from several countries, indeed, speak several different languages, but you are all inspired by the same spirit, which is the spirit of the Catholic Church. Together you have come to Rome to give thanks for the great gift which the Holy Father, Pope John Paul II has given to you by publishing his Motu proprio " Ecclesia Dei" , which has given you once more the rights of citizens of the Church by allowing you to continue celebrating the ancient Latin liturgy of the Church. For many among you, this papal act was a liberation for which you had long waited, and for other it made it possible to enjoy in peace the right to assist at liturgies celebrated according to the venerable Roman rite, celebrated in the form during long centuries, that form which you prefer today.


The three-thousand worshippers packed into the church certainly felt, as did Father Frederick Faber, that the Tridentine Mass is " the most beautiful thing this side of heaven." This was the Mass that the churches of Rome had been built to enshrine, and it was clear that many of those present were completely overwhelmed. The music was shared between the monks of Le Barroux, their plainchant evoked an atmosphere of heaven come down to earth, and the choir of Notre Dame des Armees from Versailles and the choir of the Chateau itself, with its orchestra. The most striking characteristic of the congregation was its youth, with a clear preponderance of under thirties. Many young men from the Roman seminaries were present, a good number of whom in soutanes and cottas took part in the procession before and after the Mass. When the procession left the church the three hundred and fifty priests and seminarians, together with Cardinal Stickler, Bishop Timlin, and other prelates, must have given passers-by the impression that the new Pentecost, which it had been predicted that Vatican II would initiate, had taken place at last.

The Papal Audience

The climax of the pilgrimage was the papal audience on Monday 26 October, a memorable day in the history of the traditionalist movement. The most important aspect of the audience was that it took place. It was not certain that it would be accorded until a few days before this date. The Holy Father made it clear to the three thousand traditionalist pilgrims, who manifested their love and devotion to him with such enthusiasm, that he considered them to be as fully Catholic as those attached to the New Mass. He referred to legitimate diversity and sensibilities worthy of respect, urged all Catholic to proclaim the Gospel together, and asked the bishops to have " renewed attention to the faithful who are attached to the old rite."  

After his address the Holy Father received individually the superiors of the priestly societies and religious communities dedicated to the Traditional Mass, and a representative of the International Una Voce Federation, Mr. Jan Filip Libicki return to his apartments, but instead he left his chair and walked spontaneously to the fifty priests and seminarians standing on the steps of St. Peter's, representing the four hundred and fifty plus priests and seminarians present for the audience. Pilgrims had been advised to be in the enclosure reserved for them by 11.30 a.m., but by 11 a.m. every place was taken and the monks from Le Barroux, about fifty in number, together with many other priests and seminarians, were unable to gain entrance. The Holy Father was evidently moved by the youth, devotion, and immaculate clerical attire of the seminarians that he met. He spent several minutes talking to them and agreed willingly to be photographed with them. We know from a totally reliable source that after returning to his apartments, the Pope spoke enthusiastically to members of the Curia of the positive impression that the seminarians had made upon him. It would be impossible to lay too much stress on the fact that where the internal politics of the Vatican are concerned, the fact that the audience took place, and that the Holy Father reacted to his meeting with traditionalist clerics in such a positive manner, must be a cause of joy and hope to every traditionalist Catholic.

The Final Benediction

It might have been thought that after the papal audience any further event would be an anticlimax, but this certainly did not prove to be the case. At 3.45 p.m. His Eminence Augustin Cardinal Meyer closed the pilgrimage with a solemn Benediction. This was a truly gracious gesture as His Eminence had just suffered the loss of his beloved sister, but returned directly from her funeral to keep his promise to celebrate Benediction in the church of Santo Spirito in Sassio, only a minute or two from St. Peter's where a congregation of traditionally minded Polish sisters promote devotion to the Divine Mercy. This was the first event, apart from the papal audience, at which priests and seminarians of the Institute of Christ the King were present- they had needed to remain in their seminary at Gricigliano near Florence on Sunday to celebrate their patronal Mass of Christ the King. Words cannot describe the beauty of the celebration. Many present, most perhaps, had tear filled eyes.

At the conclusion of this sublime ceremony of adoration of Christ, our Eucharistic King over four hundred priests and seminarians processed Church in a seemingly endless procession. As they did so there occurred one of the most moving and most significant moments of the entire pilgrimage. Cardinal Meyer had, earlier in the celebration, offered a most gracious welcome to those who had come to Rome from over the world, speaking in faultless Italian, French, German and English, and with the dignity that always characterizes this great Prince of the Church. Before joining the procession himself, His Eminence returned to the microphone and with evident emotion told all present that they should give thanks to God that in contrast to the decline in vocations throughout the west the traditional movement had inspired so many vocations. The Cardinal urged all present to pray that the hundreds of young men should persevere to ordination to the priesthood. When the Cardinal emerged from the church he was applauded enthusiastically, much to his embarrassment, by hundreds of young French traditionalists who were immediately joined in it by those of all ages present from many countries.

The Impact of the Pilgrimage

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of this pilgrimage. The celebration of traditional Masses for overflow congregations has made a tremendous impact in the Holy City itself, above all among students of the Roman seminaries, many of whom were present and took part in the processions. This impact has certainly been noted in the Curia. The fact that the Pope agreed to grant an audience to the pilgrims, that he once more urged bishops to make the traditional Mass available to those who request it, and the fact that the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith gave a public lecture in favour of the Traditional Mass, have a significance that will not be fully appreciated for several years. Above all, in view of the dearth of vocations in the west, the presence in Rome of more than four hundred priests and seminarians dedicated to the celebration of the Traditional Mass, will have had an impact that cannot possibly be overestimated.

An Appeal from Cardinal Medina-Estevez

In October 1999, exactly one year after the Pilgrimage, the mind of the Holy See with regard to the Traditional Mass was made clear by Cardinal Medina-Estevez, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Disicipline of the Sacraments, in his letter Protocol 1411/99, dated 18 October 1999. In the course of this letter the cardinal stated:

Those who enjoy the benefit of the indult granted by the Motu ProprioEcclesia Dei adflicta” may use this form freely both in private and in public, in the churches and at the times expressly appointed for the faithful...The Holy See urges bishops to be extremely tolerant to those of Christ's faithful who wish to participate in the sacred liturgy in accordance with the previous liturgical books and to keep their sensibilities constantly before their eyes...In dioceses, in accordance with varying circumstances, benevolence in dealing with those of Christ's faithful who adhere to the previous forms can be expressed either by appointing times suitable for liturgical celebration in some churches, or by designating a particular church which may be convenient for these faithful under the charge of a rector or chaplain, or sometimes even by the creation of a personal parish.

 The reference of His Eminence to the creation of personal parishes is particularly encouraging.

Founding a National Association

Catholics wishing to found a new national association of the International Una Voce Federation should first contact the




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They will be provided with a copy of the Federation Statutes, and if they find them acceptable they must then draw up national statutes of their own, examples of such statutes can be provided. One their national statutes have been approved a formal application for membership can be made, and a vote upon admission will be made at the bi-annual general Assembly of the Federation in Rome. Those wishing to establish a chapter in a country where a national association already exists should contact their national association and not the International Federation.

The Importance of Local Initiative

The International Federation Una Voce is not an organization run from above by a central committee. Each associate is an autonomous body which is encouraged to do all that it can to achieve the objectives of the Federation at the local level. In any one country, up to three national associations can be admitted as members of the Federation. The ideal is for any such national association to build up a network of regional chapters in the country concerned to further its work at the local level. As members of the Federation, national associations are able to work together through receiving the Federation Newsletter, by exchanging national newsletters, and by appointing delegates to the Federation's bi-annual General Assembly in Rome and jointly elect the President of the Federation and its Council. Over a period of several days, each association then reports on its progress and initiatives and learns, above all, by personal contacts, of ways in which their own defence of tradition can be made more effective. When national associations wish to contact the Vatican Congregations on their own behalf, and with specific reference to the problems that they encounter on a national level, the Federation can offer advice and assistance authorities. Above all it can represent the common concerns of traditional Catholics world-wide at the highest level of Church government. This is its primary statutory purpose and despite all the progress made since 1967 it remains an indispensable function in furthering the cause of Tradition throughout the world.

A Message from Cardinal Ratzinger

On 25 July 1996 Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, Prefect of the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, addressed the following message to the Federation:

The International Una Voce Federation has played an important role in supporting the use of the 1962 edition of the Roman Missal in obedience to the directives of the Holy See. For this valuable service I express my gratitude to the members of the Federation and extend my blessing.

The Possibility of Personal Parishes

On 18th October 1999, Cardinal Medina Estevez, Prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship, stated in his letter Prot. 1411/99:

The Holy See urges bishops to be extremely tolerant to those of Christ's faithful who wish to participate in the sacred liturgy in accordance with the previous liturgical books and to keep their sensibilities constantly before their eyes. These members of Christ's faithful for their part should accept the teaching of the Second Vatican Council and also acknowledge from their hearts the legitimacy and the consistency with orthodox belief of the liturgical texts promulgated after the liturgical renewal.

In dioceses, in accordance with varying circumstances, benevolence in dealing with those of Christ's faithful who adhere to the previous forms can be expressed either by appointing times suitable for liturgical celebration in some churches, or by designating a particular church which may be convenient for these faithful under the charge of a rector or chaplain, or sometimes even by the creation of a personal parish.

In a meeting with representatives of the International Una Voce Federation on 4 September 2000, Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos stated that he considered the Missal of St Pius V to be a great treasure of the Church, and that it attracted young people not primarily for the use of the Latin language but for the sense of mystery that it imparts. He assured us that he would contact bishops who declined to permit Mass according to the 1962 Missal, and that he could see no reason why we should not be granted the use of all the liturgical books in use in 1962. It was his opinion that the Motu ProprioEcclesia Dei” put a serious responsibility upon bishops to implement it, and that only when there are serious reasons to the contrary should requests be denied.