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神学校時代に習ったのは教会の建物は信徒を教育するということでした。御聖体の代わりに、御聖体を追い出してしまった司教様が真ん中の高いところに座られます。ですから、その司教様の方を向いて信徒が腰掛けると、御聖体はどこにあるのでしょうか? 御聖体は彼等の後ろ、建物の外、彼等の下、彼等より低い位置にあります。このような建造物から信徒が受ける教育はどういうことになるでしょうか? 「御聖体よりも人間の方が大事!」あるべき秩序が逆さまになることを革命と言いますが、これは正に革命ではありませんか?
わたしたちと共におられる神である御聖体には、最高の敬意が払われなければなりません。準備検討段階では多目的ホールなどと言われていたのに、今では「聖堂」と呼ばれているこのホールでは沈黙を守ることが要請されています。しかし、何のための沈黙でしょうか? 祈っている隣人の邪魔にならないためであれば、その隣人は一体何に祈っているのでしょうか? 九月十五日の祝別式ではこの多目的ホールも祝別されましたが、祝別ということは、その場所を神の礼拝と礼拝に密接に関連する行事のために使用するという人間側の意思表示とか約束ではなかったのでしょうか? 「市民のために開かれた教会」という言葉を口にされた司教様は、祝別ミサの終わりに御聖体を下の小聖堂に移してしまわれました。ある参加者は御聖体がご自分の家から追い出されたとさえ言って嘆いています。何と悲しいことでしょう。ある裕福な信者ですが、自分の気に入る聖堂が建つのを確認してから寄付をさせていただくと言っていましたが、結局このような聖堂には寄付できないと打ち明けてくれました。お喜び下さい。このように骨のあるカトリック信者はまだでも残っています。残念なことに、一致の象徴であるべきカテドラルは分裂の象徴とさえなりました。
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Humanae Vitae Research Institute
26 Chuocho, Tarumizushi, Kagoshimaken 891-2106
Tel & Fax 81-(0)994-32-0313
His Eminence Edmund Cardinal Szoka
President, Pontifical Commission for the
State of Vatican City
c/o Vatican Embassy to Japan
Your Excellency,
Allow me to send you this sudden mail. I
am Father John A. Nariai, priest of Kagoshima
Diocese which you will visit in a few days.
We are honored to receive you here, not only
because in your person the Holy Father is
represented, but also you are a Prince of
the Church. As such, you will be willing
and are able to defend and promote the orthodoxy
of our beloved Catholic Church whenever and
wherever possible.
I want you to know that there are some priests
here who objected to and are not happy with
our newly built cathedral commemorating the
450th Anniversary of St. Francis Xavier's
arrival at Kagoshima. The Most Rev. Paul
S. Itonaga, our bishop, claims that there
was consensus of all the priests here but
it is far from the truth. The problem with
it is that the Blessed Sacrament is not honored
enough, if not at all. The chapel for the
Blessed Sacrament is on the ground floor
at the entrance in a separate building. This
small chapel is in my opinion like the house
of the gate-keeper or receptionist, if not
a public toilet. The floor is flat from wall
to wall, and tourists have been seen walking
all over the place even touching the tabernacle,
chatting to each other in a loud voice, joking
about confessing sins as practice in the
confessional, etc. All these happened while
I was praying there waiting for my congregation
to arrive. I offer mass for the foreigners'
community in that small chapel on Sundays.
Imagine that when nobody is there, all kinds
of abuse and disrespect may take place in
such a structure. Behind two closed doors,
something far worse and even blasphemous
can take place very easily. What is holy
should be treated as such. Due precautions
should be taken but nothing is done. The
Eucharist is defenseless.
In the seminary I learned that the edifice
of the church is and should be educative.
Instead of the Blessed Sacrament, the bishop
sits high up in front of the main hall on
the second floor. So, when the failthful
are seated there, where is the Blessed Sacrament?
In their back, outside the building, below
them, lower than they. What education do
people receive from such a structure? "Men
are more important than God!" The reversion
of the right order is a revolution. God with
us, the Eucharist, should be given a place
of the highest honor. In the planning stage
the main hall was called the multi-purpose
hall. Now it is called "seido"
meaning chapel or church. The faithful are
requested to keep silence in this multi-purpose
hall, but there is nothing that demands silence
except that one might not disturb others
that are praying, but praying to what? At
the dedication ceremony this hall was duly
consecrated. However, consecration means
that this part of the building will be used
only for divine worship or matters closely
related to it. Multi-purpose surely would
mean more than that. Our bishop declared
during the dedication ceremony that the hall
would be open to the citizens of Kagoshima,
and at the end of the dedication mass he
took, if not kicked out, the Blessed Sacrament
to the outer chapel (These are the words
of the participants). I assure you that many
Catholics here are complaining and even weeping.
How sad! It is the sentiment of quite a few
Catholics here. One company president, a
rich man, confided to me that he had withheld
his donation to this building until completion
to see if he would be satisfied. He was not
pleased at all and did not donate. Be happy
there are such Catholics who still hold an
orthodox faith. Regrettably the sign of unity
has become the sign of division!
For convenience' sake, there is another
tabernacle by the sacristy which may be used
habitually to keep the left-over Blessed
Sacrament after mass. Maybe because the priest
there is too embarassed to confine and lock
up Jesus in such an obscure place, there
is no Eucharistic lamp indicating the presence
of the Blessed Sacrament. If the Blessed
Sacrament is placed in this tabernacle the
faithful would not be worshipping the Lord
beyond the wall in that obscure corner, and
if that tabernacle is empty, the faithful
would be worshipping the wall instead of
the Lord. Worshipping and praying to the
wall is idolatry.
Well, I am not too pessimistic, because
hopefully our next bishop will promote the
Blessed Sacrament where our present bishop
sits, and convert the present Eucharisticchapel
into a book store or something, if not the
cemetery for the bishop, so that he may realize
he had made a terrible mistake the moment
he rises from the dead. Hopefully we will
not have to wait that long before the bishop
realizes his mistake by your kind advice.
I am sending another copy to the Nuncio.
Thank you very much. I am,
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Father John A. Nariai
Humanae Vitae Research Institute
26 Chuocho, Tarumizushi 891-2106 Japan
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