

司祭が告白室で聴いた罪を漏らすのはとんでもないことですが、これなら言っていいというものもあります。昔フィリピンにいたときのことです。タガログ語しか話さない老女の告白を聴いたことがあります。「英語で告白してください」と言っても無駄。「言葉が分かる他の司祭に告白しなさい」と言っても聞き入れてくれません。で、延々と続いた彼女の告白の終わりに、せめてもと思い、こう言ってみました。「奥さん、今なさった告白の中に大罪が一つでもありましたか?」すると、彼女は完璧なアメリカ・アクセントの英語で言ったものです。" Oh, no, Father!"

" Father John A. Nariai" < nariai123@icloud.com>




: " Nicholas Bergstrom-Allen" < cambridgeshire.boys.choir@ntlworld.com>



「しかし、あなたは巡礼中でしょう? ということは悔い改めも必要、ということではありませんか?」 友人はカトリック信者でない連れに、なぜ急にあの大好きな酒を止める羽目になったか説明するのに往生したとのことです。向こう見ずに告解をすると本物の償いを申し渡されるというお話でした。

: " Nicholas Bergstrom-Allen" < cambridgeshire.boys.choir@ntlworld.com>

わたしが初聖体のための公共要理を習っていたときに神父様から聞いた話です。小さな女の子が告白室に入りました。「われ霊父の祝福をこいねがう。初めての告解です…」彼女は自分が覚えていた罪を告白しました。そして、司祭は償いを命じました。「それでは、お嬢さん、償いとしてめでたしを三つ唱えなさい(three Hail Mary's)」。すると、彼女は急に泣き出したものです。「一体どうしたの? なぜ泣くの?」司祭が聞くと、彼女はすすり泣きながらもこう答えました。「だって、わたしが知っているめでたしの祈りは一つしかないんですもの」。

: " Cathy Conwill" < cconwill@tkb.att.ne.jp

小さなナンシーは、ある日、 泣きながら庭に穴を掘っていました。それを見た隣人は彼女が一体何をしているのだろうと不思議に思い、できるだけ優しい声で聞いてみました。「ナンシー、一体何してるの?」すると彼女は下を向いたまま、涙声で「わたしが可愛がっていた金魚が死んじゃったの。わたし今、彼のお葬式したの」と答えたものです 。隣人は「それにしても金魚のためにえらく大きな穴を掘ったものだね、ナンシー!」と言うと、ナンシーは最後の土をかぶせながら言いました。「それはね、わたしの金魚があなたの@*!& 猫のお腹の中にいるからよ」。

@*!& が何か分かりますか? 老婆心の成相明人 

" John and Diana Newman" < newmanjd@prodigy.net>

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" Yes" , said the archbishop, " I commited suicide"   How many times did you commit suicide, asked the priest?  Needless to say, the good father was not granted faculties at that time.

Which reminded me of another similar story, where the penitent was building up to confessing his Great Crime:

" And, Father, there's something absolutely terrible I still have to confess: I have killed my wife!" " How many times, my son?"

: " Nicholas Bergstrom-Allen" < cambridgeshire.boys.choir@ntlworld.com>

Penance has certainly changed nowadays. My sister-in-law, who converted from   non-practising Anglicanism to Catholicism, went to confession in Birmingham,   England, some years ago. At the end of the confession, the bored priest   yawned and told her " For your penance, have a double gin and tonic."

Which reminds me of the following TRUE story:     : -)

A friend of mine was on a packet holiday in Portugal, and decided to pay a visit to a certain very famous shrine there - and while there, he though he could just as well take the opportunity go to confession. He was dumbfounded when, for his penance, he was told to abstain from all alcoholic drink for a week! " But, Father, I am on HOLIDAY!" complained my dumbfounded friend.

Well, HERE you are a Pilgrim, and thus a Penitent!" , said the Father. My friend had some trouble explaining to the other (non-Catholic) participants in the packet holiday why his drinking habits had, so suddenly, and so drastically, changed! Well, that's what you risk by going to confession impetuously: you might actually risk being given a REAL penance!

: " Nicholas Bergstrom-Allen" < cambridgeshire.boys.choir@ntlworld.com>

This is a story our parish priest told my First Communion class as we were about to make our First Confessions:

A little girl entered the confessional for her First Confession. She did everything just fine. She started with  " Bless me Father" and confessed all the sins she could remember, but when the priest told her her penance, she burst in to tears.

What's the matter?" the priest asked her. " You said I have to say three Hail Marys," the girl sobbed, " But I only know one!"

: " Cathy Conwill" < cconwill@tkb.att.ne.jp

Little Nancy was in the garden filling in a hole when her neighbor peered over the fence. Interested in what the youngster was up to, he asked in his friendliest way,   " What are you up to, Nancy?" " My goldfish died," replied Nancy tearfully, without looking up, " and I've just buried him." The neighbor commented, " That's an awfully big hole for a goldfish, isn't it?" Nancy patted down the last heap of earth   and then replied, " That's because he's inside your @*!& cat."

" John and Diana Newman" < newmanjd@prodigy.net>